All Bishop Ryan parents have access to a personalized online FACTS Family portal account that offers access to things like student information, school information, a school calendar, announcements, and current lunch account balances.
When accessed on a web browser or via our website, FACTS Family is free. A FACTS Family app is also available for download.
The FACTS Family Guide is a resource that parents can refer to when using and navigating the family portal system.
--First Time User Instructions--
1. Click the FACTS FAMILY LOGIN link at the bottom of
2. When you get to the login page, scroll down and click Create New Family Portal Account.
3. Enter the e-mail address that you provided to the school and click Create Account.
Our District Code: BR-ND
Make sure that the district code is filled in before clicking on Create Account.
4. You should see this message with the email that you provided:
An email has been sent to {your email} with instructions for how to create a Family Portal login.
If you receive an error message instead, you have tried to create an account using an email that is not registered
in our system. To resolve the problem, please contact Mrs. Brunner in the administration office.
5. Check your email for a message with the subject "FACTS SIS Customer Support" and follow the instructions
in the message.
If you have not received an email with your password within ten minutes, please check your SPAM folder as the email
may have been flagged and redirected.
In the email message, click the Click to create your Family Portal login link.
6. A web browser will display your Name and RenWeb Person ID number.
Type in the User Name you would like to use, followed by completing the Password and Confirm boxes.
(Type your password twice, once in each box.) Click Save Username and/or Password.
Once your account is set up, you can log in at any time (with the Username and Password you’ve created) by clicking the FACTS Family Login link on the Bishop Ryan website or by going to the FACTS SIS website. Once you’ve logged into the FACTS SIS system via either method, you will see the Bishop Ryan FACTS Home Page.
--FACTS Family Interface--
The FACTS Family interface is divided into two general areas on the screen: a menu system on the left side of the screen and a content area on the right side of the screen.
General FACTS Family Organization
The FACTS Family menu system is organized into four main content areas, visible in the menu system on the left of every page. Clicking on any one of these menu items will expand that menu item and show you additional choices in each area.
1. School Menu Items
The School area of ParentsWeb has information and resources related to the entire school community and your student’s classes.
•School Home takes you to the landing page for FACTS Family. On this initial page, you can see school-wide Announcements, the tabs for Today’s and Tomorrow's Events from the school calendar, and Dates to Note from the school’s academic calendar. When you click on one of the announcements, additional information about that announcement is displayed.
•Calendar takes you to a monthly view of school events, classroom events, and homework assignments.
•Directory takes you to the Family and Staff directory. Simply select the appropriate tab at the top to toggle between the directories. You can click on any of the headings to sort by that heading, and you can also use partial names in the Search box.
•Classes takes you to a general overview of the classes your child or children are enrolled in. Clicking on any one of the class links takes you to that individual class site. Please note: If you have multiple children at Bishop Ryan, individual student information will be available by switching between children in the drop-down box near the top of the page. When you click on a class link, you will be directed to an individual class site that offers a number of tabs with different information for that class.
2. Student Menu Items
The Student area of FACTS Family has information and resources which relate specifically to your student(s) and their classes.
•Student Home takes you to a Student Information Summary page where you can see a summary of student homework on the left, a listing of all of their classes and current grades on the right, and modules for lunch, attendance and behavior across the bottom. Clicking on the classes here will take you to the same individual class sites discussed under Classes above.
•Grades takes you to a summary of the gradebook for an individual class. Select the class by using the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Grades and individual assignment details will show for the class selected, per teacher input. The Report Card tab in at the top of the page will generate a copy of the most recently recorded report card for all subjects.
•Homework, Lesson Plans and Report Card are full-screen options for the Homework summary that appears on the Student Home page, teacher-posted lesson plans, and the Report Card tab that appears on the Grades page.
•Attendance, Behavior and Lunch will provide information, by student and by quarter, concerning recorded school attendance, logged behavioral incidents and lunch information.
•Course Request is a page that you’ll be directed to when the time comes for middle school and high school students to input their desired classes for the upcoming school year.
•Schedules will display your student's current schedule.
3. Family Menu Items
The Family area of FACTS Family is your account management area. You can ensure your family information is correct and check account information.
-When reviewing lunch account balances listed in the Family Billing section, please note: a negative number
shows what is currently in the account; positive balances represent how much money is owed. If you choose
to make an online payment, paying by bank account will incur an additional 85-cent convenience fee, and
paying by credit card will incur an additional 3.75% convenience fee. Cash or check payments deposited in
the BRCS Administration Office do not incur an additional fee. For tuition payments, please refer to the
FACTS website or contact the Bishop Ryan business office.
--Lost Username and Passwords FAQ--
If you have forgotten your username or password, or if you receive the message "Error: Invalid Credentials" when logging in…
1. Click Forgot Username/Password at the login screen.
You will be prompted to type your email address. (It must be the email address that the school has listed
for you in the FACTS Family Portal.) An email will be sent to your email address.
2. When you receive the email, click the Click to change password link on the email.
A browser window will display your Name, your Person ID, your Username and obscured Password.
Type a new Username and/or Password (confirm your new password by typing it in a second time)
and click Save Password.
3. After the message "Username/Password successfully updated" displays at the top of the screen, return to
the FACTS Family SIS login page and use your new credentials to sign in.
Username and password credentials can also be changed from inside your current FACTS Family session by clicking on the circle icon showing your initials or picture in the top right corner of the portal screen (next to “Bishop Ryan Catholic School, 2022-2023”) and selecting “Username / Password – Privacy”.
If you have forgotten which email you have on file with Bishop Ryan…
You can contact Mrs. Selk, Mrs. Benson or Mrs. Brunner to learn which email address we have on file at the school. Once you have the email that is registered in the FACTS Family SIS system, you can use that email address to reset your Username/Password as explained in the instructions above.
Thank you for taking the time to read to learn about FACTS Family SIS.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.